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Stock Management - Stock Invoices

How to create stock invoices to manage your purchases for stocktakes

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over a week ago

Key Points

  • Entering stock invoices into Bustle is a key part of the stocktake process, allowing your purchases to be entered into the system.

  • Your recipes and movement of items through orders on the Bustle Till manage the volume of your ingredients sold and your Stocktake then brings these figures together with your current count, displaying any variance.

  • All stock invoices should be entered before completing your stocktake.

  • Stock Invoices cannot be pre-dated before the date of your last locked stocktake. This will cause large variances in your next stocktake.

  • Save time entering invoices by importing your Upstock orders to Bustle

Detailed Steps

  • Head to Stock Control > Stock Invoices.

  • If you need to add a new supplier you can press Manage Suppliers to set them up.

  • To get started, press New Invoice.

  • Enter in the basic invoice details. (don't set the Invoice Date to before your last locked stocktake)

  • Press Save

  • The new invoice is now created and ready to enter in the products you have purchased.

  • Press +Add Item

  • Scroll the list or search for the product and press to add.

  • You can also add products on the fly on this page.

  • Enter in your Quantity purchased and Unit price (exclusive of GST)

  • Should the price have changed, once you enter in the new price here it will save throughout the system, so any items and recipes suing it will be updated.

  • Press Done and

    • Your product purchase will get added

    • Invoice totals will update

  • Continue to add your purchases and when complete, Press Done at the top right of the page.

What's Next?

  • Let's take a look at the Stocktake process now your invoices are entered

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