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SOGUI Promote - Promote a menu item to SOGUI

How to set up a promotion for your menu item and get in front of new customers.

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over a week ago

Let's get some of your most delicious dishes promoted on your Online Menu and coming soon - our new F&B dating website, SOGUI (think Tinder but for food and drinks).

The SOGUI Website (soft launch)

But before you go ahead and start promoting, please make sure you've set up your Online Menu. We also highly recommend having your Online Menu published (Live) as well as it will be linked directly from any promotion you create.

SOGUI is in soft launch

Our new F&B dating website, SOGUI is currently in soft launch. This means that any promotions you create will appear on the website but we have not yet started to market the site to the general public. For this, we need as many promotions up and running as possible. What will your top three crowd-pleasers be?

SOGUI Promotions also appear on your Bustle Online Menu. Add up to three promotions and they will appear on a carousel near the top of the menu. Entice new customers with your amazing looking dishes and well written descriptions.

SOGUI Promotions appearing on SOGUI Menus

So let's get promoting!

Head to SOGUI > Promote on your Bustle Hub and click the Promote a menu item button to get started. You can also do this from within an item itself - head to Setup > Item Editor and open up the item then scroll to the Promotions section.

Search for (or drop down the categories) to locate the delicious menu item you want to promote on SOGUI. Click on the item to continue.

Fill in the promotion details.

Here you can change the name and sales price if needed (PLEASE NOTE: This will change the item price and name on your Bustle iPad and online menu as well)

Next, go ahead and select up to 3 cravings categories the item falls into. Is it warm and comforting? Light and fresh? Or a meal to soothe the hungry beast?

Further down the page you can upload your hero image of the item, enter a tantalising description and select any appropriate dietary requirements. The preview will update as you fill out all the details so you can get an idea of how the promotion will appear on SOGUI Website. Check out your menu preview in Online Menus once activated to see how they will appear on your menu.

Looking good? It's time to Activate your promotion. Press the button at the top right of the page to get the promotion live!

Your promotions will now appear in your live Online menu. Take a look at our demo menu below to get an idea of how they display.

What's Next?

Now your promotion is live it will appear on your Online menu as well as the SOGUI Promote page. It will start tracking views and likes when people come across the item in SOGUI.

To see how the SOGUI Website will work for the public, take a look at this article...

And finally, check out how to manage your promotions and what the Reach and Engagement numbers mean in this article...

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