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Verifone Eftpos not connecting

Unable to connect to the Verifone terminal? Host is down or transaction refused errors?

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over a week ago

Most likely causes: Verifone terminal not set up correctly, Verifone update issues, changes on network or configuration, network/router issue, or not cashing up all of your iPads daily.

In this guide, we will cover:

Here's some Quick Fixes:

  • Ensure your Bustle iPad and Verifone terminal are running on the same Wi-fi.

  • Head to the Verifone Admin Functions on your Bustle till app on the iPad - under Settings > Eftpos > press the button at the top right. Here is where you make sure your Verifone terminal's IP address is entered. Make sure this number here matches your Verifone terminal address. (If it reads it's most likely incorrect) Not sure how to find your terminal address? Get in contact with your Eftpos Terminal provider.

Engage Terminals

The newer Engage terminals can also work with Bustle but can be a bit trickier to set up. Should you have any issues with the setup or network for these terminals, please get your Verifone reseller to contact Verifone technical support to help troubleshoot.

Host is Down or other transaction errors

This means there is a configuration issue in Vericentre - it is not set up to work correctly with Bustle.

Please get in touch with your eftpos terminal provider with these specific questions - send or read them out the following:

  • Ask for a support person that has worked with Bustle setup before, and remind them that Bustle is an iPad based system only.

  • Does the Connection and setup in Vericentre look correct? "Correct" means they have set the terminal up for an IP interface listening on port 20001.

  • The terminal needs to be set up with a static IP address

  • Has Vericentre been updated recently?

  • If updated recently - was the template used one that allows integrations? (With all Verifone installs there is a software download to the terminal called UIA, this is the software that connects Bustle to the Verifone terminal). Inside of the UIA it needs to be set to use IP & Port 20001. The software setup could be incorrect and running on COM1, USB or IP 40001. Or the UIA that downloaded could be the wrong one - that doesn't have the POS interface applet added.

If the technician has checked these things and the issue still exists, your best course of action is to ask for the issue to be escalated higher to 2nd level technical support.

From the Bustle side of things:

We don't expect many issues on the Bustle side of things but If contacting your provider with the information above hasn't worked - on the very odd occasion, Bustle files can have an issue, especially if swapping over terminals between iPads or swapping from another provider.

Try a delete and reinstall of Bustle  to see if that fixes the issue. You will need to re-connect your Verifone terminal after the reinstall so it's worth noting down your Verifone IP address so you can easily re-enter .

Here's the process:

  • On the Bustle iPad till app - press the Settings button and then Eftpos.

  • Press the small settings button on the eftpos page - then press the Disconnect button

  • follow the delete process for Bustle below:

From there it should be as simple as following the initial setup article to configure Bustle to talk to the right IP address.

Ongoing (intermittent) issues with connecting to eftpos?

Most ongoing (intermittent) eftpos issues that occur between Bustle and the eftpos devices are caused by underlying issues on the router. A reboot of the router may help in the short term but if issues persist...
See our troubleshooting guide for ongoing intermittent issues

Other issues

Eftpos button has disappeared

Is the Eftpos button no longer there? Click here.

Eftpos transactions successful but Bustle doesn't close it off?

Is your terminal not sending the information back to Bustle? Click here.

Pressing Enter after cancelling a transaction

Depending on your terminal setup, you may have to press enter after cancelling a transaction on the terminal to send this information back to Bustle. To remove the need to press enter, contact your Eftpos terminal provider to get them to configure this for you.

My eftpos cutover doesn't reconcile with my cash up

  • Check with your Eftpos terminal provider what your cutover times are and make sure they match your trading hours.

  • Are your team putting through manual transactions that aren't recorded in Bustle? If this is happening and causing issues, speak with your Eftpos terminal provider to configure manual payments to be accessed via a menu to make it less easily accessible.

Error: Socket Closed by Remote Peer

This can be fixed by the eftpos NZ helpdesk or your payment supplier. The technical info to tell them if they are unsure here - they need to set the POSLink port back to 4444

One further thing to keep an eye out for here is making sure that all your Bustle iPads are being cashed up daily. Run through this article.

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