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Alternative Sales Prices for menu items
Alternative Sales Prices for menu items

Create alternative prices that you can add to your items e.g. tax free, discounts, surcharges or set price offers.

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over a week ago

Key Points

  • Alternative prices can be made as a variation to your current sales price e.g. 10% discount, or create a new price altogether that you can set per item.

  • You can delete an alternative price but edits are not yet available - so plan your price sets carefully before setting them up and adding to items.

  • There is no indication of an alternative price being applied on receipts - it will only show the new price.

  • Alternative Sales prices are not available as yet for Bustle Online.

  • We'd love your feedback on how to best report on alternative prices. At the moment we have added it to your items ordered summary report, in that it will show the average price of your item (and the dropdown menu on each item shows what prices were used and when).

Detailed Steps

Step 1 - Create your Alternative Sales Price Options

  • Head to Setup > Alternative Sales Prices

  • Note: On this page you are only adding the alternate price names and configuring tax, and percentage surcharge or discount - not adding the prices to items.

  • There are two types of alternative sales prices you can set up based on your needs.

    • 1. You can create a Variation to the Default Sales Price

      • This means you will be taking the current sales price of an item and either adding a % surcharge, removing a % discount or making it Tax free.

      • e.g. a price for an item that is tax free if takeaway, or a friends and family 10% discount on an item.

    • 2. You can create a new Alternative Sales Price

      • This means you will manually add in a new sales price for this item once you add this price option to it.

      • e.g. Happy hour prices on all pints of beer for $11 - when the prices are usually $15-$18.

Let's take a look at both...

Variations to the Default Sales Price

  • Use this option if you want to make adjustments to the existing sales price of the item when adding it to an order. (surcharge/discount/tax free)

  • Press the New Variation of Default Sales Price button.

    • Name your new price so it makes sense to your team.

    • Select the tax rate required. (MAYBE ONLY FOR AUS AND UK)

    • Enter the adjustment rate - a positive number (10) will add a 10% surcharge to the item when selected, a negative number (-10) will add a 10% discount.

    • Select rounding if desired.

  • Press Save

  • Your new alternative price variation will appear and can now be added to items.

  • Note: To make a tax free item price, simply add a new variation, name it and select the tax free rate...

Alternative Sales Prices

  • Use this option if you want a new price for your items that is not based on the original sales price. e.g. Set price offers (every cabinet item is $5).

  • Press the New Price button.

    • Name your new price so it makes sense to your team.

    • Select the tax rate required

  • Press Save

  • Your new alternative sales price will appear and can now be added to items.

Step 2 - Add your Prices to Items (and mods if needed)

  • Now we have our alternative price options available, it's time to add them to our items. Head to Setup > Item Editor and select an item you want to add the new prices to.

  • Once in the edit screen of an item you will see the new prices available to add.

  • Click the prices you wish to add. For any alternative sales prices, after selecting you can add in your price for this item when using this option.

  • In this example we have added the two options that are variations to the default sales price, as well as the alternative option for a cabinet sale. The options now show as added to the item and display the price and GP%. We have manually entered the price for the Cabinet sale.

  • Any Mods added to items will automatically be included in the calculations for Variations to the sales price, but will not be included for any Alternative prices. However, if you want a mod to follow the price rules for alternative prices you can do so. Let's look at the example of the Cabinet Sale alternative price. Say the Chocolate Muffin came with an optional Flake chocolate bar for an extra dollar, but for the cabinet sale you only wanted to charge 0.50. You can open up the Flake mod and change the price of it for the Cabinet Sale alternative price.

  • Other than this scenario there is no need to add or remove alternative prices. Mods will follow the price settings on the item

Step 3 - Sync your menu and select your prices on the till

  • Head to Settings > Sync Menu on all of your Bustle Tills to bring down the prices

  • On the items you have added alternative prices to you will now see them under a section called price options when you press the item. The will display the alternative price name and amount.

  • And here's what it looks like with the Flake mod added from the example above for Cabinet Sale...

  • And Friends and Fam discount...

Deleting Alternative Prices

Removing an alternative price from an item

  • On the item edit page, click the x on the price you want to remove.

  • Sync your menu on all Bustle Tills to remove the price.

Removing an Alternative Price altogether

  • Head to Setup > Alternative Sales Prices

  • Click the Bin icon next to the price you want to remove.

  • Press the Delete button.

  • Sync your menu on all Bustle Tills to remove the alternative price from all items it has been aded to.

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