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Bustle Online - Bill Splitting for TablePay
Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over a week ago

Key Points

  • Bill splitting with TablePay is an excellent way to cut down lines at the till when a whole table wants to pay individually. Save valuable time and streamline the payment process!

  • Bill splitting makes payment an enjoyable extension of your amazing service, and is available for all TablePay bills.

  • To enable Bill Splitting, you need an active Bustle Online account. Simply toggle on the "Allow TablePay" option in your Bustle Online settings.

  • You can do all the usual things at the till alongside bill splitting - voids, discounts, partial payments, moves etc. The customer's bill will adjust accordingly.

Detailed Steps

Enabling TablePay in Bustle online is the only step you need to have done, bit let's take a look at the journey of your team as well as the journey for a table of eager bill splitters...

Your Team's Journey

  • As per the usual TablePay process, your team create a table or tab on the Bustle Till and close the tab once to finish creating it.

Pre defined tabs, or Table Layout

  • Re-open the tab on screen and select Table Pay Docket from the settings drop down.

  • The screen will display the QR code and give an option to print it (as long as you have a printer set up). You can either show this to the customer and get them to scan...

  • Or print off the docket and drop it off at their table.

  • Your team will know the bill has been paid in full when

    • The table becomes available for use again on your table layout screen

    • The table payment confirmation slip is printed (optional)

    • The receipt prints with $0 balance remaining (optional)

    • The optional settings can be configured within the printer settings on the Bustle Till.

Smooth Splitting for Happy Diners - The Customer Journey

Let's now take a look at the journey of your guests as they split the bill.

  • TablePay makes bill splitting an enjoyable extension of your customers' experience, right through to the last moment.

  • The first person to start the bill split becomes the bill owner.

  • The bill owner is responsible for ensuring all others have paid, as well as any remaining items not claimed by their fellow splitters.

How it all works

  • The first customer to scan and start the splitting process becomes the owner of the bill. They can settle the whole bill directly, or select to split the bill with their fellow patrons.

  • Here's where the good times start rolling in for bill splitting customers. They can each select an image and enter their name/nickname - or they can stick with one of our fun hospitality-themed randomly generated names.

  • They then hit the Let's Split button to continue

  • The next page lets them share the link with their friends (or the fellow patrons can scan the original QR code too). Any splitter that scans after the owner will land on the Your split, your style page above.

  • On this page, the splitters can start claiming their items for payment. Note that other bill splitters will appear at the top of the page. The number "(1)" indicates how many items the splitter has claimed.

    • Items claimed by the splitter appear with a tick.

    • Items selected by other splitters are greyed out on all other splitters pages as soon as they are selected. They get marked as claimed, and display their chosen image.

  • While there are remaining items to claim, there is a button at the bottom of the bill displaying the balance remaining of anything unpaid, or unclaimed.

  • Any splitter can decide to claim and pay for the rest of the bill by ticking it on as they do for the items above.

  • The splitters then move through to the payment process by clicking the button at the bottom. They are now on the Review your bill page.

    • The owners page will also show the Balance Remaining at the time - as they are responsible to cover it if not claimed by others.

  • If the splitter is not the owner, they press the confirm payment button and go through the payment process.

  • As the owner, there is one last screen that they use to manage the bill and make sure all others have paid.

  • While the owner waits for other splitters to finish they can see the statuses and a list of what has been claimed but still unpaid

  • Once everyone else has paid the owner can then complete the final payment to settle the tab. They are responsible for anything that is still unclaimed

  • Once complete they will get to the final page.

  • If there are any issues during the process they can see your team and get it settled at the till.


  • We are aware of an issue with Android phones and sharing links using the Share with others functionality. Please note that Android phones can still use the QR codes to access TablePay bills but will get an error if the link is sent.

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