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Bustle iPad app - Accounts

How to create and manage customer accounts in the app

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over a week ago

Key Points

Detailed Steps

Create an account

  • Accounts are created and managed on the Bustle Till app.

  • Press the Settings button at the top right and press Accounts & Vouchers.

  • Press the Create Button, and select Account.

  • Fill in the simple details of the account.

    • Select the Account Type.

    • Select a limit that will trigger a warning when reached.

    • Enter their Name, Email and any Notes.

    • Enter in a Discount amount (optional). Discounts get accrued as you assign orders to the account, and is applied on payment.

    • Press Save.

Edit an Account

  • Head to Settings > Accounts & Vouchers

  • Locate the account and press to open the information window

  • Press the Edit icon and make your changes. Then press Save.

Credit an Account

If a customer wishes to pay money onto an account before making orders, that's great! Here's how...

  • Head to Settings > Accounts & Vouchers

  • Locate the account and press to display the account details on the right.

  • Press Pay Account.

  • Enter the amount they wish to pay into the calculator and pay by Card or Cash.

  • The payment will now appear against the account. In this case we have a 15% discount, so that is applied, meaning that for their $200 credit, they will be receiving $235.29 of value.

Assign Orders to an Account

When you have an order, tab or table to assign to an account, you can do this in the pay screen.

  • Open the order/tab/table and press Pay

  • Select Accounts & Vouchers

  • Locate or search for the account and select it.

  • Press Assign at the bottom right.

  • Confirm at this point that this is the correct account (as it is hard to remove an order once assigned) - and press Confirm, or print to get a signature from the customer.

  • If an assigned amount exceeds the limit set for the customer, a warning will appear on the confirmation page. It will not stop the assignment if Confirm is pressed by a staff member.

View an Account

At any time you can view an account and print off a summary

  • Head to Settings > Accounts & Vouchers

  • Locate the account and press to display the account details on the right.

  • Here you can view any history (credits or partial payments and all assignments made). Press the rows to drop down and show more detail.

  • To print an itemised summary of the account, click the icon at the top right and press Print Summary.

Pay an Account

  • Head to Settings > Accounts & Vouchers

  • Locate the account and press to display the account details on the right.

  • Press Pay Account.

  • The page will load on Remainder to pay off the account in full, but you can select Partial to make a smaller payment.

  • Select Cash or Card to pay.

  • Alternatively, if payment is not going to be made through Bustle, you can clear the account balance (partial or in full) by pressing Clear Balance. (more on clearing the balance here)

  • Once an account has been paid in full, the history will disappear from the Account in the Bustle Till app, but can always be located on your Bustle Hub.

Archive an Account

  • Archiving an account can only be done when the balance is $0.00

  • Head to Settings > Accounts & Vouchers

  • Locate the account and press to open the information window

  • To archive you can either swipe from right to left on the account, then press Archive...

  • Or Press the edit button, press ARCHIVE at the top right, and press Archive again on the pop-up confirmation.

  • The account will disappear from the Bustle Till app, but can always be located on your Bustle Hub.


  • If you have assigned an order to an account incorrectly, check this article.

  • If accounts keep printing off the entire history of transactions and never properly clear, check this one out.

  • If there is a difference between what is showing on the account in the Bustle Till app vs the hub, get in touch with support via the messenger so we can help further.

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