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Bustle iPad app - Cash Up

How to prepare and submit the cash up

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over a week ago

Key Points

  • Bustle Cash ups are made to be quick and easy. They should be a part of your daily routine to provide you daily financial insights, ensure accurate financial tracking, detect discrepancies, and maintain accountability.

  • Customer Tabs should not remain open after service. Before you cash up, save any open tabs as an account to deal with at a later time.

  • You should be cashing up every iPad that has been opened for service daily as there is a clean up process that happens afterwards to keep your iPads running smoothly.

  • This article runs through the steps for the cash up on the Bustle Till. To find out more about the cash ups on the Bustle Hub (reporting, making adjustments, send to Xero) see this article.

Detailed Steps

Get Started

  • To start a cash up, head to Settings > Cash up

  • Select Yes to continue.

  • Should you get a warning here about tabs being unsettled - check out this article.

Enter your Cash takings

  • The first page here is for the Till Drawer. Enter in the "count" of each denomination and the system works out the cash value, giving you a total of the cash in drawer.

  • Once entered, press Next

  • The Cash page is next, firstly showing your Cash Count from the previous page.

  • You can press the Till Drawer button (top left) if you need to make adjustments.

  • Less Float is where you enter your starting cash for the day. This field will save automatically for next cash up, but can be adjusted when you do the cash up for the day.

  • This gives you your Actual Cash Take for the day on this till.

  • Let's talk quickly about Bustle Take and Actual Take.

    • Bustle Take shows everything recorded in the Bustle Till by your team during that service.

    • Actual Take is what you enter at cash up time, after counting the cash drawer and doing the eftpos end of day reports.

    • The difference between the two is the variance on the till. We expect to see small variances, as things happen over a busy period, but if there is a large variance, or continual variance over time, this makes you aware so you can investigate further.

  • In the bottom section on this page you will see a breakdown of cash takings across sales made, any accounts paid by cash , less any cash out and petty cash.

  • Finally, you will see your totals of Bustle and Actual takes and any variance.

Enter your Card Takings

  • The Cards page is where you view the totals of everything recorded as card takings in Bustle, and enter your actual figures at the end of service.

  • You will see all card sales made on the pay screen, through accounts and vouchers and any cash out.

  • Enter in your regular card payments (eftpos), and break down your Visa, Mastercard and other credit cards into their sections if required.

  • At the bottom you will see your totals of Bustle and Actual card takes and any variance.

Summary Page

  • The last page is the Summary. This shows your takings for:

    • Cash

    • Card

      • Sales

      • Tips (taken from compatible terminals)

      • Card Surcharges (taken from compatible terminals)

  • It also displays your totals for:

    • Wastage

    • Hospo (complimentary)

    • Discounts

  • This gives you a final total and final variance across all takings.

Confirmation and Completion

  • Press Confirm on the Summary page.

  • Select Yes.

  • You will now see the lock screen, or Bustle Emoji Login screen if you have staff tracking switched on.

  • Your cash up now gets saved to your Bustle Hub. To find out more about cash ups there, check out this article.

  • You should keep the iPads at this screen until all tills are locked - and open them only when ready to start the next service.

  • Unsure of your PIN code? Check out this article to locate it.

Starting the Next Shift

  • Enter your PIN.

  • Press the thumbs up button.

  • And receive one of our random inspirational messages.

When the message disappears you will be on your normal Bustle Till screen. Double check at this point that your starting order number is correct for this till.

Cashing up an iPad when no payments were made on it.

Closing an iPad for the day is an important process that helps clean up the system and keeps Bustle running smoothly. If you have iPads set up to only take orders - they still need to be closed.

To do this takes only a few seconds.

  • Head to Settings > Cash Up > Press Yes

  • Press Next on the Till Drawer page

  • Press Next on the Cash page (remove any Float amount)

  • Press Next on the Cards page

  • Press Confirm


  • If your starting number is incorrect (e.g. it should be 1001 but it's 1078) then the cash up hasn't completed properly. Try placing another cash up through by starting it, then pressing Next, Next, Next and Confirm. This will create a $0 cash up but should get your starting order number working correctly and clean up your Bustle till properly. Reach out to support if you get stuck.

  • If you have an unusually large variance - see here.

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